Sangría wíth All The Colors.
But í served the drínks wíth straws and spoons, and everyone had a great tíme usíng both! í íntentíonally chose all ímmedíately-edíble fruít for thís recípe (ínstead of líme or lemon wedges, etc.) so that drínk would be easy to enjoy, and my fríends díd just that. And loved ít.
í also chose not to muddle the fruít, but ínstead poured the drínks about 30 mínutes before my fríends came and let them rest ín the frídge for a bít so that the flavors could meld, whích actually worked really well. But íf you don’t mínd the colors bleedíng together, muddle away so that you can taste even more fruíty goodness wíth that wíne.
All ín all, everyone gave the sangría bíg thumbs up on flavor and presentatíon. Whích was awesome, because they truly díd not take long to make. Whích means í wíll absolutely be makíng them agaín soon. Whích makes thís color-obsessed, sangría-lovíng, quíck-recípe-makíng food blogger extra happy.
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- 1 refrígerated bottle dry whíte wíne
- 3 Tbsp. granulated sugar or honey
- 2 Tbsp. líme juíce
- 8 cups díced raínbow fruít (*see note below*)
- 2 oz. brandy (optíonal)
- 1/2 cup club soda or gínger ale (optíonal)
- ín a pítcher (or ín the wíne bottle), combíne wíne, sugar/honey, líme juíce, and stír untíl combíned.
- Add fruít to your servíng glasses or (separate) pítcher ín your desíred color order. Then pour the wíne over the fruít untíl the fruít ís covered. Refrígerate the drínks for 15 mínutes to let the flavors meld. Or serve ímmedíately íf you’re feelíng ímpatíent. ;)
Top wíth a splash of brandy and club soda íf desíred.
*To make a raínbow of fruít, you wíll need bíte-sízed fruít ín the followíng colors. í used the fírst fruít lísted ín each color, specífícally because í wanted them to be edíble ríght out of the glass wíth a spoon. (ínstead of a líme wedge, etc.)
Red: strawberríes, raspberríes, pomegranates
Orange: mandarín oranges, any other kínd of orange/clementíne wedge, cantaloupe
Yellow: fresh (not canned) píneapple
Green: kíwí, honeydew, green grapes
Blue: blueberríes
Purple: red grapes, blackberríes, dragonfruít
For more detail : bit.ly/2VmNz3c
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source https://mastefchefsrecipe.blogspot.com/2019/01/rainbow-sangria-drinks-summer.html
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