Homemade Almond Butter

The exact timing of processing will depend on the size of your food processor and the amount of almonds processed. Less almonds in a bigger bowl will turn into butter faster than a packed food processor.

Little did I know, making almond butter at home is practically effortless and only requires one ingredient and just a few minutes of processing time. plus, it costs a fraction of the price of supermarket butters while giving you the ability to control the quality and texture of the almond butter.

If this is your first time making almond butter, be patient because at first it will look like the almonds will never turn into butter, but then after a few minutes you the oils will release from the almonds and you will begin to see a beauty creamy consistency. The longer you run the food processor the creamier the almond butter will become.


  • 2-3 cups roasted or unroasted almonds I love to use roasted


  1. Place the almonds in a food processor. Secure the lid and allow to process for 5 minutes. You will begin to see the almonds turn into a crumbly dry crumb; scrape the sides and continue to process for another 3-5 minutes.At this point the almonds should turn into a rough butter which is not fully ready yet. Scrape the sides and process for another 3-5 minutes or until the desire consistency is reached. For creamier alomnd butter, process longer.
  2. Transfer the almond butter to a sealed glass jar, and store in the fridge or in pantry. The Almond butter will last 2-3 months.

To gett full recipes and video. Please visit https://gimmedelicious.com/ we just share! Thanks!

source https://www.informationtrend.me/2019/03/homemade-almond-butter.html

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