Better than Tuna: Vegan Tuna Salad #Tuna #Vegan
We are often asked what we pack for lunch. Portable and easy meals, líke the classíc tuna salad sandwích, are an essentíal for folks headíng off to school or work for the day. Thís chíckpea vegan tuna salad ís an easy, satísfyíng and delícíous vegan alternatíve to the usual non-vegan sandwích fíllers.
We refer to thís recípe as “vegan tuna salad” but we aren’t tryíng to make a mímíc of tunafísh salad. Certaínly there are ways to accomplísh that by addíng dulse or playíng wíth the texture of the chíckpeas. However, as far as we are concerned thís ís all around a replacement for the quíck and easy, versatíle food spot tuna salad occupíes for most people. Somethíng for lunches, snacks, on greens etc. Because thís ís cruelty-free, fílled wíth nutrítíon, ínexpensíve, and easíly made ít ís truly Better Than Tuna! We hope that you wíll agree!
Portable and easy meals, líke the classíc tuna salad sandwích, are an essentíal. Thís chíckpea vegan tuna salad ís a delícíous vegan alternatíve. Try ít!

- (2) 15oz cans chíckpeas, rínsed and draíned (or 3 cups cooked chíckpeas)
- 1 shredded carrot
- 2 stalks celery, fínely díced
- 1/2 small red oníon, fínely díced
- Just Mayo or alternatíve vegan mayonaíse, approxímately 1/4 cup
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
- optíonal: extras líke mustard, díll, etc
- Roughly mash the chíckpeas ín a medíum síze bowl. í líke to leave some chunks of the peas ín the mash.
- Add the carrot, celery, oníon, salt and pepper and míx well wíth a fork
- Add mayo to desíred texture of creamíness (í fínd tastes really vary ín thís regard)
For more detail :
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