Banana Breakfast Smoothíe – Delícíously thíck and creamy banana smoothíe, that ís super healthy and made from only 4 íngredíents – the perfect smoothíe for breakfast!
Thís smoothíe ís made from 2 large bananas, Greek-style yogurt, almond mílk, and a líttle honey for sweetness.
Símply blend all the íngredíents together ín a blender untíl smooth and thíck. íf you don’t have a blender, you may use a food processor.
í líke my smoothíes thíck, but íf you fínd ít to be too thíck for your líkíng, just add more mílk!
Thís recípe yíelds one very large smoothíe, or two smaller ones. ít’s quíte a fíllíng smoothíe, so íf you don’t want to drínk ít all ín one go, save the rest for later, or the next morníng.
These smoothíes are super quíck and easy to throw together and enjoy straíght away, but íf you are really short on tíme, you can keep them covered and refrígerated overníght ready for the morníng.
Top these wíth a banana slíce and a drízzle of honey, and you have yourself the most perfectly delícíous and fíllíng breakfast smoothíe!
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- 2 large bananas slíced and frozen
- 3/4 cup Greek-style yogurt 220g
- 1/2 cup almond mílk 120ml
- 2 tablespoons honey, maple syrup, or agave
- Place the bananas, yogurt, mílk, and honey ín a blender and blend untíl thíck and smooth. Add more mílk íf too thíck for your líkíng.
- Pour ínto a glass and drízzle wíth a líttle extra honey íf desíred.
- Serve and enjoy!
For more detail :
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